BreadPot Variations

All the current BreadPots are made out of a brick orange stoneware clay.
Designed to act as a mold to form a round boule, the interior size fits a bread of 3-4 Cups of flour. There are variations in the shape of the handles, which can make the pot oblong, squared or round. There is also an occasional BreadBell, a cloche form, for larger or shaped  breads

Inside some are painted with porcelain slip under the lid and a recipe and/or BreadQuote are incised through the slip using the sgraffito technique. Others are fired with sawdust inside, leaving a natural carbonization to alter the clay color. Some have brushwork or black line decoration on the lid.  I like to keep it interesting.
Check out and buy available combinations at my Square Market Store.

Contact us for special orders or variations.

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